Chris & Jonny’s Filmhouse Watch List – 05.02.21

Chris & Jonny’s Filmhouse Watch List – 05.02.21

Whilst the world is on pause and your Filmhouse Sunderland visits aren’t possible, we’re keeping the independent cinema flag flying with our new weekly watch lists from Chris & Jonny, the people behind the project. 

Each Friday, we’ll post a list of four films that are currently available across BBC iPlayer, All4, Netflix and Amazon Prime that we think you should seek out. 

This week’s selection is…

Whisky Galore (U) (1949) (BBC iPlayer)

Ealing Studios’ beautifully rebellious classic comedy. On the small Scottish island of Todday during the second world war, a freighter runs aground. Having just run out of whisky, chaos ensures when the islanders learn that the boat’s cargo consists of 50,000 cases of the stuff. When overbearing English officer Captain Waggett (Basil Radford) finds out that the locals plan to hang onto it, he demands the return of the booze, but the community begins to mutiny…

Proxima (12A) (2019) (Netflix)

Eva Green stars in this poignant drama as Sarah, an astronaut about to head into space for a year. As she prepares for the mission, Sarah must juggle her ambitions with the need to be a good parent to her eight-year-old daughter Stella. Proxima expertly takes us through Sarah’s preparation for the mission and her relationship with Stella as both come to terms with the pending separation. Emotional and expertly acted, Proxima is a brilliantly made story of mother and daughter living in exceptional circumstances.

A Taxi Driver (15) (2017) (All 4)

Starring Parasite’s Song Kang-Ho and Thomas Kretschmann (The Pianist), A Taxi Driver tackles South Korea’s 1980 Gwangju massacre, which was a defining tragedy on the country’s route to democracy. German journalist Juergen gets wind of the national unrest, and travels to South Korea to follow the story. Hearing that a European is looking to pay big money for a guide to Gwangju, a cash-strapped driver (Song) pinches the job. Arriving a day after the city’s uprising, the pair navigate soldiers and blockades in search of the story and find bloody, sobering evidence of what has occurred. A fantastic insight into a notorious incident, A Taxi Driver is impeccably acted and richly realised.

8 1/2 (15) (1963) (Amazon Prime)

Federico Fellini’s incredible classic of world cinema.  A personal insight into Fellini’s own psyche, Fellini favourite Marcello Mastroianni stars here as the director’s avatar. Mastroianni plays filmmaker Guido Anselmi, who is struggling to get his latest picture underway. Overwhelmed with his work and life, Guido retreats into his thoughts and reflects on his past, revisiting his memories and former loves. Playful, wonderful and irresistible filmmaking.

We’d love to hear what you think of the films we recommend – let us know!

See you next week,

Chris & Jonny

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